Hello, it's me Hannah
I make stuff, always have, always will.
I particularly like to draw, cartoon and sculpt with clay.
I am also brilliant at terrible poetry which for some reason brings me great joy. I like to create characters and scenarios to make myself chuckle, I am often inspired by true events, what's funnier than life?
As a day job I work in animation production, I have worked on some absolutely smashing shows with utterly stellar people, check out my Linkedin for a sneaky peak.

Bit more about me....
I am a first generation Londoner who grew up in Brixton in the 80s.
All my family are creative in some way and very community minded we all get involved one way or another.
I absolutely love London with it's layers, communities and oodles of history.
The Thames fills my heart right up. I am passionate about the history in everything, I love looking into the past and it's many tales.
I love all animals but have two cats who are my best mates and flat mates, Buttercup & Treacle, they are 8 year old siblings, both have a cracking sense of humour and are big cuddles.
I like nature a lot, love to garden and walk in the wild to calm my heart.